Peel For All Skin Tones
Skin peels effectively remove the dull surface cells and reveal the healthy-looking new skin, leaving it with a smooth look and texture.
At home peels are an ideal choice for women to help with hyper-pigmentation (dark spots), even skin tone, eliminate rough patches, un-clog pores and improve acne. In addition, women with darker skin tones, who have more melanin in their skin and have an increased propensity for pigmentation issues, use the peel to lighten spots caused by acne, eczema, or abrasions.
Skin peels effectively remove the dull surface cells and reveal the healthy-looking new skin, leaving it with a smooth look and texture. Further more, accelerating the exfoliation process with peels will unclog pores caused by acne and ingrown hairs.
Peels can also help "ashy skin", another concern of women with a varied skin tones. This is more common during the winter months, when dried skin cells collect on the surface. The cells form a barrier making the skin look dull and prohibiting moisturizes and topical medications from penetrating the outer layer. Weekly at home peels are a safe and proven method of preventing potential skin problems.
Women with darker skin often have less wrinkles and look younger than fair-skinned counterparts. The melanin in their skin helps absorb the ultraviolet light and protects the elastic fibers beneath the skin's surface. But darker skin toned women should always use sunblock, because exposure to sunlight can make any darker spots worse. Sunscreen, sunblock, hats and protective clothing will guard against recurring pigmentation and future sun damage.